Grade 1-2 English (group) classes-10 Lessons


  • Taught by either Jennifer Scharf or Sidney Scharf
  • Each class is 60 minutes
  • Group class will run with 2-5 students
  • Class time will be arranged between teacher and students
  • Course Textbooks contain 36 lessons on varying topics which include: Social Studies, Community and Culture, Geography, History, Earth science, Physical Science, Life Science, Math, Art, Music and Play Scripts.
  • Optional Themes included in this course: Family and Friends,, Animal friends, Animal Homes, The Four Seasons, Working with Numbers, Stone Soup, Farmers- Needs vs. wants, My Home, City Mouse vs. Country Mouse, Let’s Make Music, Living and Non-living Things, Amazing Animals, What’s the World Made of- Solid, Liquid, Gas, Now and Then, Math- subtraction, Natural resources, How Music Make us feel, Force and Movement, Art- Origami.
  • Student centered learning where students and parents choose 10 of these fascinating themes and topics to base their learning from.
  • All lessons include, reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking and writing.


Whether living in Canada or abroad students can access English language lessons that follow the Canadian curriculum. Lessons will ease with transitioning into the Canadian public education system or aid students in increasing their fluency and accuracy for success in English language environments.