Grade 5-6 English (group) classes- 10 lessons


  • Taught by either Jennifer Scharf or Sidney Scharf
  • Each class is 60 minutes
  • Group class will run with 2-5 students
  • Class time will be arranged between teacher and students
  • Course Textbooks contain 36 lessons on varying topics which include: Culture, Geography, History, Earth science, Physical Science, Life Science and Technology
  • Optional Themes included in this course: Why we Protect Animals, What we Have Teeth for, Why Wheels are Important, How Animals Communicate, What Different Cultures give to the World, Why Mountains are Important, Why we use Money, How we Express ourselves, Why we make Building, Why we build Bridges, What the Earth is Made of, Why we Wear Masks, Why we like Symmetry, How we use Language, Why we record History, What makes Birds Special, What we are Afraid of, and Why Stories are Important.
  • Student centered learning where students choose 10 of these fascinating themes to base their learning from.
  • All lessons include, reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking and writing
  • Paragraph writing could include: organizing paragraphs, compare and contrast writing, persuasive writing, sequencing events, narration writing, speech writing, opinion writing, interviewing, poetry writing, play scripts, letter writing, fictional writing, research and news reports.
  • Assessment will be both formal and informal.

Discover English



Certified and expert teachers use multi-media interactive tools and include engaging topics. Students will practice the 4 language skills; reading, writing, listening and speaking, in addition to increasing their vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.